Upcoming Events
Hiking – Horsetooth Mountain Open Space
Part of a series of evening training hikes at Horsetooth Mountain also known as Rucking. These hikes are intended to be progressively more difficult by increasing pack weight each week. These are also a good way to get outdoors in the evenings as a group when it gets dark early.
Intro to BC Ski/Split Session A – CMC Zoom Lecture
There are identical 3 sessions of this School for the 2022/2023 season: choose only one. Field day in-person, locations TBD. Common spots include Allenspark, RMNP, Butler Gulch.
Hiking – Rise & Grind - Shanahan Ridge Trail, Boulder OSMP
Rise & Grind - Shanahan Ridge Trail, Boulder OSMP
Backcountry Nordic Skiing – B&B Mine Trailhead
A backcountry Nordic ski to the Sallie Barber mine site.